Thursday, 9 November 2017

Did an Engineering firm, based in Daventry predict the John Lewis Christmas advert character before the John Lewis Christmas advert was released? #underthebed #released9thnov #steamtractionworld

Well Tweedily deedily dee it's time for some more festive fun with miniature steam engineers, Steam Traction World. Each year, around Christmas time, to say thank you for the continued support of customers, friends and family, Steam Traction World offer a uniquely original, some may say masterpiece (most will not), yuletide yarn for your enjoyment. This year is no exception with some familiar faces returning to your screens.

 Deedily diddy Dave returns after a triumphant introduction last year and, after whole 12 months of singing lessons for this time around, brings some of his old friends: Bear, Hare, Carrot, Coalaff (a slightly similar-looking character to a Frozen favourite*) and the staff at Steam Traction World. This year has everything (sadly the kitchen sink did not make the final edit): steam, music, singing, dancing, steam, lights, steam (did we mention steam?) and a few slapstick jokes too. No characters were seriously hurt, although Dean did pull a muscle trying the splits. We didn't ever ask Dean to do the splits! So fetch a cuppa, a sherry or simply your favourite tipple, sit back and (hopefully) enjoy "Build a Burrell" from Steam Traction World.

Please share on social media, comment on YouTube below and get involved to see if "Build a Burrell" can be the best ever Steam Traction World film. Tweedily deedily dee, tweet, tweet (and Facebook) Merry Christmas!! #buildaburrell #steamtractionworld #JohnLewisChristmas 

Things we have learnt from this. 
It would have been quicker to teach Dean and Steve to actually dance than to animate this. Lip syncing is quite difficult - and certainly takes a long time too. Don't ever give Coalaff a warm hug. It will only go two ways. If he is cold, you'll get covered in soot. If he is hot, you will get burnt. He is also incredibly annoying either way. We are better off as engineers and makers of the finest miniature Steam Engine kits. From your feedback, you do enjoy our festive films - we are really pleased for that. Give us a Thumbs Up (Youtube) is you like this years. Thank you. *Coalaff is made from Coal. For legal reasons he is not based on any other character from any other film and any similarities are purely coincidental. Dave (Number 2) is not the Dave from Sainsbury's Christmas advert last year, or the Carrot was never from the Aldi offering again, possibly from last year. Bear and the Hare were however, blatantly half-inched from the John Lewis Christmas advert from a couple of years ago - only because we love the John Lewis adverts though. So much so we had to squeeze #UnderTheBed in this year - we launched our Christmas advert before John Lewis for 2017! Please do not sue. We do actually have an awesome creative idea for a future John Lewis Christmas advert, we'd charge you 50% less than you've just paid for your 2017 advert. Get in touch. Never Knowingly Undersold.

Steam Traction World

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