Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Asda Christmas Advert - Fail!

The competition for worst TV ad looked destined to be Morrisons, then Asda weighed in with its own epic fail. The depressed Morrisons mum makes was for the Asda mum who is destined for a divorce come the new year.

Here's the background:
The Saatchi & Saatchi created campaign, it features scenes based on what Asda says is “real insight from real families”, from struggling to get the tree into the car to debating the best toys for the kids. The ad uses real colleagues and the leading lady is an Asda shopper.

Stephen Smith, chief marketing officer at Asda, adds: “Nothing made it into the ad, unless it was real insight from real experiences. We have spoken to thousands of Asda mums about what Christmas means to them. They told us that Christmas doesn’t just happen by magic. A lot rests on their shoulders; with people to feed, gifts to buy, and families to keep happy, it can be a very busy time but the experiences they have along the way are priceless. Despite the pressure, their big reward is looking back at the end of Christmas day, at a happy and smiling family, and thinking “I did that.”

Stephen Smith, chief marketing officer at Asda. I hope your CV is up to date for the new year! Here are some of the comments:

"Don't understand. Is it a 1950s style joke?"
"what about the dads?"
"What a load of sexist, misogynist rubbish. That Mum needs a divorce lawyer"
"Sexist twaddle. What a joke."
"Absolute sexist hogwash. I'm not sure who offends me more, Martyr Mum or Lazy Ass Dad. Bad move Asda!"
"Big fail both Asda and Saatchi & Saatchi - you've just offended your target audience......slow handclap........."
"I think Asda have badly misjudged their market with this advert. It manages to offend mothers/women (you only find fulfilment in serving and satisfying every need of your family,) and fathers/men (you are just an incompetent spare part.) 
The only "emotional levels" it seems to connect on are frustration, defensiveness and anger. It doesn't give the "warm fuzzies," and I can't imagine who'd be moved to shop at Asda as a result of this ghastly advert."
"I watched this ad drop-jawed...how could the mum be lovingly smiling at the family at the end of the day/week of slavery she has just endured. "What's for dinner love" would result in a punch up from me, personally!!"

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